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Most cleaning services start out great. This is called the "Honeymoon Period". Services after this term typically begin to decline after the first 30 to 60 days. However, this performance breakdown is almost never intentional. "Complacency" sets in, and before you know it, the quality slips, and customer service relations become infrequent.  You may even experience inconsistent attendance with the service crew. At MasterClean  ​we understand these unfortunate, but costly challenges. You the valued client pays the same monthly fee every month, and you are entitled to receive the same great service that was promised, and that you deserve. That is precisely where Our Fully-Trained Quality Assurance Inspectors come in.

1) On-Site Inspectors do random location checks during our service hours. Announced to you, unannounced to the service crew. Fact: when employees know for certain that their work and performance is being monitored regularly, they tend to do a much better job.  It also lets the client know that they are valued, and appreciated.

2) Monthly Scheduled  Inspections are performed during business hours. After making an appointment with the contact person for a particular location,  Quality Assurance Personnel meets with that individual, for a brief meeting, and walk-thru to discuss any concerns, and also for suggestions to improve service if possible. An inspection report is completed, and signed by our representative, and then by the contact person for the facility. A copy is left for the client, while two other copies are placed in the client's file, and the employees file.

3) Courtesy Calls are made twice per month. Our Quality Control Department places calls to the client, to ensure customer satisfaction. When necessary, recommendations are made to inform customers about ways to improve certain areas of their facility, like periodic floor maintenance, and deep cleaning.

4) Refresher Courses readily available for Cleaning Personnel. Twice monthly, we offer an extensive seminar at our training facility to re-inforce, and re-train any employee that feels the need to sharpen their skills in one or more area of "MasterClean's Signature Service". Some staff members are randomly evaluated, and mandated if necessary, to ensure excellence.

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